Sometimes I long to fly, high up in the sky, on wings of my imagination...


When the first ray of light
Fresh after a dewy night
Touches my drowsy face
In soft caressing ways,
I feel a new day waking in me...
Awakening me
To this new world
Bathed in sunshine –

When the ocean waves
Caress my feet
The aquamarine sea
Beckons me to deep,
I feel the depth of the ocean sweep...
Drowning me
In its vast eternity-
Giving to me a new profundity...

When the hot winds blow
In the deserts that glow
With passion of heat,
I feel the burning deep within me
Tapping my passion-
My craving for thee...
Like molten lava
Waiting to pour forth
With all its fervour-
Its intensity!

When the mountain brook
Frolics past me
I remember my childhood
My innocence,
My life carefree,
My purity...

And I long for that wholesome transparency...
Alas! Now so far away from me...

I crave for a new spring in me...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Splendour of the Setting Sun' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 892 times
Written on 2009-02-24 at 05:17

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Kathy Lockhart
dear zoya, your heart speaks what i feel. we are soul sisters! this is lovely.

Wonderful nature imagery containing deep emotional reality. Lovely.