Don't forgrt to remember!




Hi All,

This is my last week in Poetbay. First of all thank you for your kindness, sense, criticism, poetry, beauty, music...everything....


Once I believed that I can't write in English...slowly I started with writings in English. Through all of you I believe I got a big and fantastic platform to perform. I don't know weather I succeeded on it or not. That I am leaving to you. Please everybody keep writing, I will be waiting for your beautiful poems. 


Sometimes poetry is like 

A butterfly 

We cannot expect

That it will lift a stone. 


I was nobody; still I feel I am somebody. I am feeling great that some of you had read me once in a while.

I will be back on a day 

When I believe again 

Some is there to write again

When I get new words

New structures 

Instead of this boarding same words 

And same imageries.........


Thank you all. In the end I would like to hear from all of you.


With thanks & regards,



Poetry by anoop.m.r
Read 1376 times
Written on 2009-02-27 at 11:17

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PapaFahr The PoetBay support member heart!
If not on Poetbay, I hope poetry will follow you like a beautiful drug, to make you write poems on the inside of your heart, to touch people in every way as a gentle poet and never get lost from the poetic state of mind that you so often found ! Bon voyage !

Ahhh Anoop! you are just having a touch of writers block, but in writing it out, it will be cleared. I haven't been around much through family matters and study, but this is a bay where a poet can rest his nib and just bath in the calming waters of it's abundance of beautiful verse, provided by those poets who enter and do well in our safe harbour. A lovely view of the heart of the sensitive poetic soul. All the best to you,Tai