Inspired by watching this video together with a dear friend and fellow fan.

Surfing with the Alien

The white-legged spider dances, whirling
A six-stringed web her silvery esplanade.
With the cries of seagulls, soaring, swirling,
The mechanic looks out as his eyes fade
To ecstasy approaching, senses unfurling.
Eargasm certain,
Chasing an alien
Surfing sound waves.

Poetry by TonyD
Read 1150 times
Written on 2009-03-01 at 01:18

Tags Music  Beauty  Eargasm 

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This is so favourite poem of the year thus far...'eargasms'!!?lol off to watch the video for surf widow, Tai

An Alien can't but smile reading this :-)))

Purple Phoenix
Gotta love Joe, and the term "eargasm!". Nice!

Brian Oarr
I very much like the wording of this piece, Tony. Unique and creative. Kudos!