I have never told her that i love her
but i know she found the love in my eyes,
although i have done my best to hide
that she was all my life
and without her i died.

Without Her.

Standing on the edge of the horizon,
trying to remember what i have forgot,
searching for my dreams.
many memories i have seen,
like a film on a screen
in the theater of life,
on the land of broken dreams.

Some times i have thought
to jump of the roof but i didn't try,
may be i was unhappy or i was just scared.
but after all
instead of falling i prefer d trying,
i tried to be happy and to bury the pain,
i closed its casket and threw the key away.

I was driving fast,
trying not to slow down trying to increase the flow,
in order not to taste the bitter of the days,
trying to ignore the signs
which were saying there is a cliff over there
in the end of your road so take care.

Suddenly i was flying away,
i left every thing behind,
my wallet,my keys,my dog,my house and my life.
in a moment i saw every thing in flash back,
all my friends, my family and every one i knew was there,
they were waving to me as i was on my way to up there,
my tears rains so heavy till i couldn't see anything but her.

I have never told her that i love her
but i know she found the love in my eyes,
although i have done my best to hide
that she was all my life
and without her i died.

I wonder what will god choose for me?
heaven or hell i don't care,
i have done nothing wrong and i know i will find peace there.
but i will miss her eyes
her touch and the rhythm of her heart,
i will keep asking god to make her happy
and to make her see the signs that i have ignored on the life's highway.
may be she could find peace before its too late.

Poetry by eizen wolf
Read 965 times
Written on 2009-03-03 at 08:23

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