The Sea holds a world in itself- a world we know so little about- a metaphor of life itself...

The Mighty Deep Sea

The vast and mighty sea
Holds so much in its belly:
Thousands of school of fish
And jelly fish of all variety,
Countless Coral reefs-
The skeletons of live species;
Mammals like great whales
Of such a mammoth scale;
And fauna of all species
Finding their food to satiety...

Giant waves like tsunami
Are fractions of the massive sea
Who roars like a giant beast-
When provoked by the earth shifting
Its plates in protest
of mankind's quest
For the so called progress-
Playing havoc at the sea...

Wreckages of so many ships
Are buried in the deep sea
And skeletons of human being
Sacrificed to the ocean's fury
Their eyes turning to gems
Like diamonds and rubies
Still shining under the sea...

Some pearls are washed ashore
When high tide recedes to deep
But the treasure held by cavernous sea
Are unfathomable to man kind,
We can spend a lifetime,
Unraveling the mysteries
of the multifarious sea...

The sea repairs itself after every storm
And lies calm and at peace
For days at a stretch
Recovering from the havoc,
But, the chaos that man creates
After every carnage;
After every Nature's wreckage;
Is lost, irreparably, irrevocably...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh, (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Photo: "No Man is an Island'- Javer's Bay- South Coast- Australia- By and©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 897 times
Written on 2009-03-07 at 21:36

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!'ve written another always, I'm most
impressed with your talent for writing

xxx Stan