Written for the Trois-par-Huit challenge.

Loved by you

When we met,
A day I'll not forget,
You lit a candle inside of me.

Day by day it burns more brightly, letting me see
That I am worthy to be loved, but could it be...?

Yes, I realise it to be true
That I am, through and through,
Loved by you.

Poetry by TonyD
Read 1186 times
Written on 2009-03-20 at 11:21

Tags Love  Loved  Loveable 

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what a tender and sweet little poem Tony. I love romantic love poems the best!
~Blue x

Now that's a burning picture!
This might do it... ;-))

Very well done, indeed!
I just wish that this poetry form would allow for portraying the heart. But that would call for changes of the rules.
Still, true love is sometimes like a ball, bouncing around playfully... :-)

It is one of the most wonderful things, to meet someone whose love helps us wake up, bloom, develop towards what we were meant to be. I love the warm and delicate way in which you take such a "technical" poetry form as the Trois-par-huit and pour your heart's feeling into it!


Purple Phoenix
Aw this is so sweet! Must be a nice feeling. :-)