Creative process is the fruit of the subconscious... Or, is it?

And Slowly in the Subconscious

And slowly in the subconscious
A thought steals and stays
Perches in the nest of dreams
Snuggles in the poetic quays...

Slowly do the dreams harboured
Long in the craving heart
Come to fore and are shaped
Into a beauteous cast...

Imagination takes a flight
Soars high in the sky
Into the realm of fantasy
Heart nestles, never says die...

Hope floats the river of desire
Slowly ignites the fire
And the dream becomes reality
Gradually mingling with fantasy...

Words pour out into poetry
Take the shape of lines writ
In sheer ecstasy...

Author Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh UP, India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Completed on 19.12 2008
Created 09.08.2006

Photo: Long wintry night ends and a new summer dawn begins in Svalbard, the Arctic archipelago of Norway; from National Geographic' "Ice PAradise"

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 954 times
Written on 2009-03-22 at 17:07

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Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
I could really feel this, like you've taken a step into the subconscious with pen and paper, and then sat there taking notes to share with us on your return. Thank You.

Beautiful as always zoya!!!

Rob Graber
A thought steals and stays
Snuggles in the poetic quays...

Memorable, interesting take on poetic creativity!