I like to thank night soul woman for getting me back here, it's been too long!!!

It's been a while huh?

Where do I begin?,
The day my computer crashed when I went out for coffee,
The day I finally got a job doing something besides cooking,
Or when I finally realized that bottom did drop out,

I fought through blood sweat and tears,
Just to get where I am today,
And yet I feel I only moved an inch,
But hey, at least I moved,
I have fear in me, but I still have to do what I have to do,

And yet I feel the inch,
I saw the greed,
And I realize the truth,
Greed is something that you can never fill,
You're always on the race,
To keep one step up,
But even the greatest fall,
And the rubble is all around,
But will we learn?,
Will we learn?,

At last,
We see the lie exposed,
And here we are, naked,
Before ourselves and the truth,
But keep your head up and your fingers down,
Because it took two to dance on this dancefloor of the joneses,
And now we all have to do,
Is to be the people we really are,
Honest, caring, willing to do the right thing,
No matter what,
Something I've learned dealing with credit cards,

Debt comes in all shapes and forms,
More than money, but within ourselves,
It's the war between morals, laws and emotions,
When there is two people on the phone talking,
And the words "time's up" are on the walls,

As for love,
I'm hungry for it, but I'm patient with it,
I earn that right, the hard way,
Yeah, saga grew up,
The interest is being with someone,
Not being the long-standing member of the,
Brotherhood of Travelling Pants,

Here's the big one,
I think everyone knows that something special happened in America,
We woke up and made history,
They call it the United States of America for a reason,
You can't talk about unity,
When you preaching diversity,

Do I fear for the future, yeah,
But it is always will be one day at a time,
The sun does rises before it sets,
The greatest power we all have is each other,
And the willingness to survive,
No matter what,

It is what it is,
Good to be back,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 882 times
Written on 2009-03-24 at 01:55

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This is so to the point ... life begins every day .. the sun has to rise before it falls and it is only the breath we are actually brething that we for certain know that we will be able to breat evre .. . life is every day ...

a very heartfelt text and it very nice that you are back!!!

night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Aaah:)thank you! Welcome, it's been a while . . . *but now you are back!* :) I like your text, yes, lessons learned but you dared to explore life and struggle, stand for what you believe, that is so important . . . deep thoughts, wise words*thanks for sharing!* I especially liked those lines:

"As for love,
I'm hungry for it, but I'm patient with it,
I earn that right, the hard way,"

Yes indeed you earned that right! Wow! That is the right attitude! Love it! Keep being who you are . . . and keep writing*applause*

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Welcome back, Saga...

Your poem manages to show both the anguish and
hope you are feeling....

Well written


I absolutely love this piece....especially because I was away for a while too and it took someone to bring me back. I feel it, I understand it and I am grataeful that you wrote exactly what was in my heart!