It's hard to lie with a smile on your face!!!!

I can't

Honestly, I still hurt,
But alterations have loss their pull on me,
I can't believe events that occur around me,
But I do know why things are the way we are,
Do I know the solution, oh no,
But guess what, there is no comfort in lingering on,
That why the greatest power we will ever have,
Is your ability to survive through it all,

There is nothing wrong with being afraid,
It gives warning, it ensures caution,
But like I said before, it's just a feeling,
You feel hot, you feel cold, you feel afraid,
Fear could never kill you,
The anger of your foe,
Will always echo the fear of their minds,
That someone has different views,
Different ideas,
Things they choose not to understand,
It is time for you to realize,
That words have shattered bones,
Way before violence ever did,

You can't go the distance,
With too much resistance,
Billy Joel.....

What do I mean with "I can't",
It's means that as long as we know there is always a tomorrow,
We can't give in to anything that has nothing to do with unity,
We are born to love,
Though we are taught to destroy,
We are programmed to defend,
And we learn to lie,
We cannot afford these petty differences,
We cannot afford these lies we make to hide,
And we cannot afford to look away, now,

We will and always will be survivors, no matter what,
And this goes beyond county, city, state, country,
It is about all of us,
It time to get the "swagger" back,
Take what you need,
And use only what you have,
The world is ours if we stick it out together,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 836 times
Written on 2009-03-25 at 02:05

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yes, fear is a feeling amongst others ... it is when we realise this that we can move on .... nicely put !!!!!!!!!!