For those who are still searching!!!

Far from frequently

Comfort, what is that anymore?,
You can only back the pain for so long,
Until it all falls out,
Where everything's wrong,
And you feel there is no one there,
You pick yourself to pieces,
Through hard work and quaint, yet subtle denial,

Either it fell apart, grew apart, or infidelity,
You're only human, always,
You're a emotionless seldomly,
Let it go tonight or today,
No matter where you are,
Or what you are doing,
Just let it leave,
And you leave it all behind,

Because if you carry the baggage,
It's very rare that someone else,
Is willing to pick it up for you,
You can't take away the pictures in your mind,
But you can value them for what they are,
Your happiness,
And from that, you can move on,

The search is so long,
It is okay to take a break,
But not for long,
Every now and then,
You have to pick up the mantle of hope,
And give trust a try once more,
Even ice melts with the right friction,

Your life is what you create it to be,
If you compare with someone else,
It ruins the picture,
And that what people are really looking for,
Someone through it all feels that life is their creation,
And from that, maybe both their lives could be even better,
After all you're looking for a relationship,
Not a parasite,

The busiest job in the world is God's,
And then the angels,
Because they're the ones we look for to guide,
Through far, but frequently crazy cycle,
That we embracingly called love,
Falsations and mutations can't take that away, ever,
Remember that always,
For the broken-hearted,
And the one who hold on to the hope,
That the one will come in all of this darkness,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1185 times
Written on 2009-03-27 at 06:38

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