This is your message through these times,
Give unto Caesar,The generals of good and evil,
Are gathering their armies,
And the generals names are,
Need and Want,
And in between are us, the resourceful,
We use both so much,
That their images are completly blurry,
It's a like a person who won lotto once said,
'Before I won, I saw something and wanted it,
But I knew I couldn't afford it, and after I won,
I saw something and wanted and knew I could have it,
But did I really need it?,
The war is now front page,
It was first broadcast as rich vs poor,
Jones vs Jones,
And now Wall st. vs the world,
But what do you expect?,
Sooner or later, the hard worker became a crook,
Not because he wanted to,
But because of the influences around him,
You are as faithful as options,
And your convictions to do the right thing,
And that's where it all went wrong,
We are backed financially by currency that doesn't really exist anymore,
People are clinging to promissory notes of secured paper,
That says this is how much they are worth,
And for some, that's how they feel,
All because of their influences,
Remember who you are,
You are the resourceful,
You were somebody way before the dollar,
Before the car, before the credit card,
Do not let a lie control you,
Drop the ball and chain of finance,
And please let me tell you what I mean,
You give unto Caesar,
But you keep your soul,
For the resourceful are the ones,
Through it all have no fear of paper,
Because humilty resembles truth,
The one who can be a CEO today,
And have no shame in digging a ditch tomorrow,
Is not worried about Mr and Mrs Jones,
Because he knows self-worth will beat paper anyday,
And the resourceful will always survive,
While the others who can't live without Caesar,
And the lost and most desperate of all,
And these are the 'wants' that we see on TV everyday,
Honesty has left them long ago,
They use philantropy as disguise to save their behinds,
From their crimes of forcing and robbing the people ,
For so long so they can be remember as good men,
Not as slave drivers and tyrants that they were,
But that's how viewed Caesar as well, huh?,
Now ask yourself,
What do you need?,
What do you want?,
Everybody needs love,
But not everybody tries to buy it,
Everything comes for a reason,
And all of this will pass,
Once we realize what the true definition,
Of need and want really is,
We can't play the game anymore,
Caesar's cost has now become too much to bear,
The dancer moves without a trace,
Poetry by Saga
Read 1201 times
Written on 2009-03-27 at 07:07