Sometimes I look at the natural phenomena and they become metaphors of human life on earth- One of those poems of mine...

Moon and the Sea- Ebb and Flow

As the mighty Sea-
Endless and deep,
Urges towards the Moon-
Dainty, distant and small;
Forever-in ebb and flow,
With the waxing and waning
of the lunar glow;
Forever in flux
Over the unreachable goal;
Yet, never giving up,
Adjusting to its flow,
To the whims of
This celestial sojourner...

Leaping with joy
Sometimes with big waves
Trying to touch the beauty
Of the full moon's face;
Or, receding far and away,
In dejection, as if it would
Hide behind it's own banks...

Sometimes in enraged agony,
It breaks into a storm,
Only to subside next moment
To a calm...

So do I crave for you-
Forever-in ebb and flow,
Waxing and waning with you,
Waiting forever,
for those minutes few-
Ecstatic with you;
In agony without you...

Passion and craving
Alternating always-
Driving me crazy
Either way-
with you or without you...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Image: 'Moon over Sea'

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1159 times
Written on 2009-03-30 at 14:20

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We are all connected, this poem rings truth in that very aspect.