What do you see, what do you feel, when will we learn, how will we survive?
The catwalk
My people are crying inside,
I see people fighting in the streets,
Over the mess we all created,
While we all try to be next one,
To strut on the catwalk,
We try out everyday,
Our actions, our arrogance,
Our struggle to belittle anyone,
Who thinks of us any differently,
Than what we have created for ourselves,
Everything represents a statement,
Posture, Clothing, Impression,
All excuses and metaphors,
To cover the fact that we are not only hurting our neighbors,
But ourselves personally,
Common sense is fading,
And gradually turning into a dead practice,
All replaced by business and hustling,
But these factors must work hand in hand,
So you can sleep at night,
Now ask yourself,
Do you really think the richest person alive really sleeps well?,
Or does the one who has nothing, but yet has their soul?,
A person measure of wealth has drastically mutated through time,
From love of life to possession of property,
Until now, the ability to borrow money,
I listen to "praying for time" more than I should nowadays,
But I can't help but see that George was right all this time,
We are losing more than money,
We are losing our ability to find our self-worth,
And no shrink, no drug, no lie we tell ourselves,
Is going to change that, we have to see it for ourselves,
A walk is always hard,
But remember how it always starts,
One foot in front of the other,
One step at a time,
It's a long a challenging move of events,
But as you go along with it,
In the end, you can look at your achievements and materials,
In whole new light,
True, you still will be proud of these accomplishments,
But now, you will able to understand the foundation to all of it,
Yourself, your sacrifices, your self-worth,
You will be to say to yourself in peace,
That if it all went away, you will have no regrets,
And it wouldn't matter,
Because you have the self-worth to do it all over again,
Like a child with building blocks,
Protest, protest, protest,
Bang and blame,
Why do these still exist more than the problem being solved,
Because there is more money, more fame in the blame,
Than it is in the solution,
Because once it is solved, the party's over,
Nobody would watch,
Nobody will pretend,
And we would particapte watch the people struting,
On the catwalk,
The dancer moves without a trace,
Poetry by Saga
Read 1148 times
Written on 2009-04-02 at 17:01