Further reflections of SMW XLVI .....


Lonlieness, Deliverance,
Safety, Fear,
We work so hard to make someone smile,
And then we can barely to stand ourselves,
Sooner or later we see someone we don't recognize,
And try our hardest to avoid,
But you can't walk away, except from the mirror,
And no high structure to jump from it,

It all begins,
It all begins,
It all begins within yourself,
And if you can't make things 'bene' with you,
How can you make things 'bene' with others,
But isn't that the trend of the world, huh?,
Building castles in the sand,
But with no foundations, the tides,
And all the metaphors rips them away,

Shiftless, Dilligent,
Comfort, Astray,
Then I look at you,
What can I give you?,
In this needy world?,
To make you stay,
I wasn't taught,
I wasn't programmed to,
To be the man of your dreams,
All I can be is me,
And I can barely get along with that,

All during,
All during,
All during the scars we make on each other,
People want to do right when they do wrong,
It's the search for satisfaction of the fact,
That strengthens the sting of it,
The road of thought is built from all intentions,
All we have to do is choose, but just and only once,

Lack, Gifted,
Thoughtful or Twisted,
I'm not smart,
But I do know what 'hope' is,
I'm not rich,
But I do know what 'faith' is,
Like janis and kris said,
"Freedom is just another word for,
Nothing left to lose",
And I know I can't lose knowing you,

At last,
At last,
At last I understand you for you are,
Not super, not weak,
Not even average,
Just someone who tries to make a difference everyday,
I stayed away too long not to know you,
I won't make that mistake again,
Never again,


The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1163 times
Written on 2009-04-16 at 04:14

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ngaio Beck
Makes a lot O' sense when you think about it.Trouble is don't enough of us think about it. Good words!