To all new ventures!!!!

Brave New World

I see my past,
I've touched my present,
And I really want to write my own future,
But God owns the stationary,
I see the sacrfices and greed of the masses,
And you can't help but to evaluate, yourself,
Learning lessons you will never practice,
Being under while trying to live on top of all,

I see the challenges we face and say,
Has this always been this way?,
From father to son,
Mother to daughter,
To the reckless, seldom make it with a smile,
To the cautious, many make it with a wandering and wondering look,
You gotta have a love, a passion to what you want to do,
And in some cases, I think I found it,

Most jobs are taken out of desparation nowadays,
Food on table, bills paid and clothes on your back,
Are all inspirations to the decisions we make in the workplace,
Especially when you are not alone,
The trouble with this is that our mind creates a prison,
Out of the job, just a stepping stone,
Until you find 'the dream job',
Notice I haven't said anything about career,
Guess what that is, another problem,

It was told to me long ago,
That you will never be happy working for someone else,
True and not true, 'cause that's no explanation for government workers,
It's all mental, I guess,
And as usual it's all about choice,
A prisoner in an open cage,
Chooses to stay for fear of the outside,
A phrase that sounds to familiar with the working stiffs in the world,
You're comfortable because you know where you stand,
And what you can get every single time,
You do what you need to do to stay right where you are,

Let's face it everybody hates work, period,
It's the passion of what you love to do is what makes you stay,
And do what you love in a career, not a job,
And with that, things like 'comfort zones' are non-existent,
Passion increases the drive and the ability,
To keep the dream not only alive, but prosperous,
Through personal, and far less monetary ways,

So I guess starting a new business is not that bad, these days, huh?,

The dancer moves without a trace,

Poetry by Saga
Read 1185 times
Written on 2009-04-24 at 03:50

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
last word above meant to be "job" not "jog"
sorry about that


Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart! did a young guy like you get so intelligently deep?!!!

Good poem...says a lot...wish I had read it before I took my
first jog
