Head over heels

I wish you were here in the room
I would talk about you in all the everyday conversations
Cause that's what you do when you're so in love that
you're obsessed
With some moron who doesn't love you back

So I agree
When they say that you are ugly
And you're nothing to have
And I agree
It won't happen in a hundred years
And you will never even see
What I wish you saw in me
But I can't help that I am head over heels
in love
with you

It has come to that extent
That my friends ignore me when I mention his name
But I can't blame my head
When he's all up in there and messing it up
With any luck
He will go back to where he came from soon

Cause I agree
That it feels good to burn you picture
and sometimes to pretend that you're dead
But it's hard to agree
When I remember the first time we met
And why I fell for you from the start
In the end I can't help that I am head over heels
in love
with you...

Poetry by A.c
Read 423 times
Written on 2009-06-06 at 17:37

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