Blood, bloody blood!

No justified outrage can compare
with the choirs of longing that bleed
their ethereal voices in solid lime.

Ephemeral epistles of going through
all that one man can master in a day
are read by the wind and the sighing surf.

The music of the churning blood feeds
on the movement such as it is offers
a rainy day when all green is deep.

All cannot be in vain, for ever lost
in the old archives of a burning child,
in the vast indifference of the passing.

Poetry by Bob
Read 795 times
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Written on 2009-06-13 at 15:48

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night soul woman The PoetBay support member heart!
Such a mind - blowing, breathtaking painting! Wow! . . . and the poem makes the perfect fit, well written, very well written, a joy to read! Thanks for sharing! *applause*and *bookmarked*

"...a rainy day when all green is deep...", I think, is the best line in this poem of many striking lines. I've known such days. Strangely, it seems that when the day is gray, natural colors seem more brilliant. I guess it has something to do with contrast.


Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
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