A Summer Ditty

Summer Blooms

Trees are green and flowers grow,
Long walks with friends, not foes,
Springs come alive; waters flow,
Days are long and slow to go,
Nights are warm and fragrent sweet,
Lots of fruits an' vegetables to eat,
Summer time is oh, so sweet!

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh, (UP), India
Copyright (C): Zoya Zaidi

Photo: 'Yellow Oleander in Bloom' by and (C) Zoya Zaidi 02.06.09

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 966 times
Written on 2009-06-18 at 16:07

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Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
Very beautiful!

Malin Johansson
This was cute and soothing!
Liked this short summerpoem of yours!

Winston Latanafrancia Soldevilla
When everythings growing and verdantly nourish, everything then becomes full of hope. and when there is hope, everythings possible. great ideas my friend. thanks for sharing.

Hi Zoia!

How you been?

This was a perfect summer poem!
Think we all think the same about this time of year!
