On my absolute favourite place to be...

(Artwork, with permission from Liz, at blog.inksplot-studios.com)

Your Embrace

On those days
When our hearts are ablaze
With love, and desire for sweet release

Though passion rises causing heart-rates to increase
A mellow calm descends, bringing a timeless peace.

Then I gaze upon your lovely face,
From my favourite place:
Your embrace.

Poetry by TonyD
Read 1023 times
Written on 2009-07-04 at 00:36

Tags Love  Passion  Embrace 

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Mmmm, so mellow!

Phyllis J. Rhodes
OOOOO, my tummy is tingling. A romantic rating of 10. I even have to type this with my eyes closed.

Kathy Lockhart
beautifully written and displayed. There comes a sigh at the end of the reading from this reader.

Purple Phoenix
Reads like a gentle sigh... lovely Mr D :-)