Strange! But, sometimes even at the height of a torrid, all consuming love relationship, you feel strangely lonely deep within; empty and don't know, why? May be because joy & sorrow go hand in hand...?

The Hundred Years of Solitude

You come and you go,
And every time I give myself
Completely in to you,
And every time I surrender
My heart and soul to you;
When you go, you take
Every thing with you:
You take my heart with you,
You take my soul with you,
The essence of my spirit,
You take away with you
Draining me completely
Off all the joy and woe...

Then I fill my emptiness
With books, music,
Curing friends and foe,
Of their miseries and woe...
The 'Urn' of my soul
I fill with human kindness,
Learning, loving and caring...

And try and bury deep within
The hundred years of solitude,
(That you have left me to)...

But it is a pit less abyss,
I still crave for you...

The serpent head of loneliness,
Resurfaces it self,
And engulfs me through and through...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1598 times
Written on 2006-02-07 at 19:54

Tags Loneliness 

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Wonderful poem love means sometimes so much longing I think I know this part of love very well too, great captured feelings, I love your write and all this book is amazing

Phyllis J. Rhodes
Zoya this sis incredible! It takes me back to when I was about 19 and lost a love that I never thought I could recover from. It was a forever hurt that had no boundaries. It was all encompassing. But I look back all those long years ago and see all the joys that have come into my life since then. All the beauty and all the love. I have the love of the perfect man for me. It has lasted 35 years. But that other time did cost me pain. This is a wonderful work, just amazing!

Ron. S. King
How deeply you love...And the deeper the feelings, the darker and longer are the nights, which is the cave from wherein the Serpent lives...Each false moment is a time when this Serpnt raises its memory-head...
I can feel your words, dear Zoya, they exist in the air around me, swelling my pineal gland and akakening such sense...thank you, dear lady of Poetry...Ron.

Amanda K
yeah ppl we love when leave they take many pieces of us.a good job zoya.

lots of Love,

Maybe a heart has to hurt, if it is to heal? I love this one!

Black Knight
Well, actually, I like loneliness...sometimes...even often.
Anyway, it's good poem. And I like the title - I think it was inspired by Garcia Marquez's novel. Right?

DreamLord of Pipelakecity
Yes Zoya, joy & sorrow, delight & grief - are siblings from the same family: Life...


I agree with you on this one my friend. Excellent my friend:) Amze me you do everytime:)


Yes , and indeed it is ! ... well done Z .... your writes are always are pleasure to read ...... Well done ..... Glen ( GB )

I completely agree.
"But it is a pit less abyss,
I still crave for you" the irony of the human spirit