"Life is a journey, take it!"
The Bhagadavad Geeta
In this Chaotic Journey of Life...
In this chaotic journey of life
I, my own path define;
Take the roads less traversed
And thus new vistas find
I avoid the traffic jams
And enter the untouched land
Climb the virgin mountain peaks
Dive into the deepest seas
Find that summit un-scaled by chance
Discover that precious pearl at a glance,
While looking for a rare plant.
I keep my options open
To new turns and bends for coping
With that chance encounter with
Fate's twists and tortuous bids
Because I believe:
In unexpected quarters lie opportunities
On the highest peaks lies wisdom
Truth lies in the deepest seas.
I know the journey is hard
But, that is the most exciting part
Along the way I have found
That most beautiful are the stops
Taken by spontaneous thoughts
Most decisive are the moments
That are the least anticipated
They change the course of my life
More than the preplanned journey guides-
Sometimes for good, sometimes for bad
But, always a learning experience in life-
A journey, exciting and elating
Though a roller-coaster ride...
When terrible obstacles arrive
I just keep hanging on to life
And eventually the battle is won...
Even when I am down and out
It is pitch-dark and I grope about
I try to see that ray of hope-
That silver lining in my cloud
Even when it is hard to cope
I never let my courage go
That keeps me going somehow...
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Pic: Svalbard Archipelago, Norway's Arctic, North Pole
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 898 times
Written on 2009-07-29 at 22:39

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