Couldn't you reconsider....

Forget about your pride.

With all those feelings
Shining in your eyes
That leaving wasn't right
when we said our last goodbyes.

You could have given us a chance
to work it out alright
Forgive and trying to forget
don't think about your pride.

You had it all in your hand
I asked you to forgive
I thought your heart could mend
and trying to let live.

But you acted proudly
regardless of the pain
that killed your feelings long ago
'though you're not at all to blame.

I know that you've been hurt
but you're not the only one
Life is but a sweet dessert
Picking nuts from a giving hand,

Loook at yoursef in my mirror now
and try to understand
what we may have lost
Oh, but could easily gain again....

Poetry by Richard
Read 627 times
Written on 2009-09-06 at 17:27

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