Where are humanity going?

I am . . . (I shout out)
and still (what the hell)
no response . . .

Better I tell you . . .
I worked whole my life
I was in the unit and know
kicked out . . .

Social service

My life is slowly
going underground
slowly, slowly dying

screaming I am

And still no response
what are humanity
I think it's only

Something on a paper

Write from UN and so on
were living in a world
called way fair

Humanity is on the loose

and it's the common people
who is the losers

I say

Get up, stand up
stand up for your rights!

Poetry by Dan Cederholm
Read 1144 times
Written on 2009-11-27 at 20:57

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micky choo
nice word u use

Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Hi Dan...enjoyed your poem...particularly liked the line,
"Humanity is on the loose"
