To *** Her, from 7 October 1970, In translation by Martin Sorell.
From the book Arthur Rimbaud - Collected Poems, Oxford University Press

Winter Dream by Arthur Rimbaud

In winter we travel in a small pink coach
With blue cushions,
Well installed, mad kisses nesting
In cosy corners

You'll close your eyes, not to see through the glass
The lear of dark evening,
Starling monster, droves of black demons,
Pack of black wolves

Then you'll feel something scratch against your cheek...
A little kiss, brief as a startled spider,
Will run up your neck...

You'll bow your head and say: "Find it for me!"
-And we'll take the time it takes to find that creature
-Which loves to travel...

Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 988 times
Written on 2009-12-02 at 00:19

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Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
I liked this poem very much!
Both tender and beautiful
with a deeper meaning.