We used to spend our Summer Holidays sometimes on my grand Father's Estate. He lived in a big mansion surrounded by acres of Mango Orchards. I have never seen so many fireflies in my life, as I did on that surrealistic night:
Illusions, Reality, Fantasy and Dreams...
Somewhere far away in the labyrinth of Time
In the maze of memories in mind
There is a scene etched in time-
Engraved clearly like a fairy tale,
Oft-repeated to become slowly over time,
A dream perched precariously
On the brink of your own reality:
There is a garden full of Jasmine bushes
Trees laden with fruits of Lemon and Lime,
Oranges and Mangoes in bloom coming alive,
Intoxicating aroma of Queen-of-the-night...
I come out to take a peek
At the full Moon on its peak
And suddenly I see the sky
full of stars has descended
into our garden- Paradise!
To create an illusion of firmament
Full of twinkling stars on the Earth
To my innocent gullible mind...
Only to realize, it is a swarm of Fireflies-
Such is the abundance of their flight-
Glowing like stars in the night sky...
And I get a feeling of riding high
Floating in the celestial sky
Of my own fantasy – dreams
In the garden of delight
Of my childhood Paradise...
Perched between the thrill of
Illusion, fantasy, reality and dreams...
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright © Zoya Zaidi
The scene is etched like a dream in my memory - a mid-summer-night's-dream...
Image: Starry Nights by Van Gogh
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 853 times
Written on 2009-12-07 at 23:42

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