Life is the other name of coming-together  of opposites...

The Yin and Yang of Life


Joy and sorrow,

Hope and despair,

Agony and ecstasy,

Light and darkness,

Like day and Night,

Go hand in hand in Life:


When one comes, the other leaves

But, always alternate their ties-

They have a secret pact between them

Never to cross each other’s path

But, always appear when the other

Is gone- to cover the life’s long path…


One keeps the man on high,

The other dumps him low,

But, man always resurfaces

from the depths of sorrow.


And joy has its fleeting moments

Of infinite glory

But, always passes away to resume

its  inevitable journey

to the oblivion of dreams’ valley.


But, like the Day and Night

That meet twice a day,

At Dawn and Dusk (the grey areas),

When the light and darkness are kept at bay-

It is these grey areas that have

The real meaning in life:


The delicate Dawn is the sweet savouring of love,

The joy of meeting, the anticipation of things to come,

The pangs of insecurity of the expectant…


The Evening is the sweet sorrow of parting,

The pain of love, the agony of separation,

The smouldering passion of unrequited love…

But, always with the underlying expectations

Of possibility of next rendezvous…


It is the grey, the hazy, the delicate, and the fragile

The fleeting moments of life’s dusk and dawn

That make most memorable our lives,

And are the real treasures cherished later…



Author: Zoya Zaidi

Aligarh (UP), India

Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

10.04.2009 1pm


Photo: feng-shui-yin-yang-cats.


Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 963 times
Written on 2009-12-25 at 15:07

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Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
A very beautiful poem!
All states are like flowers they bloom and fall
but they all go back into stillness that them call
this silent well that is the source of all...

Eli The PoetBay support member heart!
This poem is a treasure. Thank You.