Who does not want to be immortal...

When I Die, I won't turn to Dust...


When I die, I won’t turn to dust

But, live in every flower that erupts

Become a tall tree and reach the sky

Bear fruits for every one to enjoy


Fall off the tree in form of each leaf

Float over rivers and reach the sea

And become one with the coral reef,

Like a treasure lie at the bottom of sea


For the deep divers to discover and see

Evaporate into cloud and condense to rain

And shower my loved ones mane

Live in the memory of my loved ones

Who loved me and were loved in turn…




Author: Zoya Zaidi

Aligarh (UP), India

Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

28.10.2009; 3.30 PM


Photo: 'Monsoon Clouds' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1247 times
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Written on 2010-01-02 at 15:41

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this is a beautiful poem. it reminds me of a quote from the movie The Fountain, which is spoken by a women dying of cancer-- quite poignant.

peace and love to you

immortal what does it mean exactly?
we get old before we die, so what, at which age do we live eternally?

it is like for a fish dreaming to fly to let it fly

Libyan Rose
it's not important where the body ends ,all matter is the soul..
I enjoyed reading,thanks for post it

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Cryptichard,
Life is full of its ups and downs
For the moments I am buried
In the mound of cruel downs
Light enters rarely and sparsely
Where its dark, like dungeons deep
I grope in the dark aimlessly
Trying to find some respite some relief...

But, I shall find my way, don't worry!
And shall emerge more wise, hopefully...
Like the iron emerges as steel
When it is tempered long and deep...


Zoya Zaidi
Thanks Editorial team for choosing to feature my poem on the first page. I am indeed honoured.
I am sorry for not being able to post any poems, since I have lost the little red heart lately, though there are so many new poems waiting to posted on my one and only Poetbay.
Thanks dear Edit. Team for acknowledging my work even in my absence, and a long one too... I am obliged indeed!
But, I shall return-soon...

When I die there is no choice for me to make
but whilst there is breath and opportunity
I can steer my path toward eternity.
Here I sit basking in the beauty
of your poem and await the
arrival of the next as life
seems quite busy for
you & quite a few
fellow poets
at the bay

Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
This text has been chosen to be featured on the front page of PoetBay. Thank you for posting it on our poetry web site.

Zoya Zaidi
Dear Heathe, your response too is like poetry itself:

We ride the wind in this world,
to fly high and aspire at once
for those upper echelons of human spirit;
to gain in this world a supreme knowledge
of all the mysteries of this life
to carry with us till the end of our time;
to share it with the others of our kind;
to live to fullest till the death doth us claim
and depart to other world
with this knowledge that we have
given our best to the world,
and have got enriched in return...

See, one poem leads to another?


M Heathcote
Let's hope we join with you on the wind in this journey, through time immemorial.
Together with all our poetry friends; like plum blossoms shingled across the shores of a chamomile ocean.
Let the winds and the tide, be one with all our voices.

Zoya Zaidi
What a lovely response, dear Ken, it is poetry in it self!

ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
When our time is up ,
The final letter of the ,
Final word of the last ,
Chapter , is wrote ,
Let our last words be ,
'' I made a difference! ''
May those who know us ,
Smile , celebrate our life ,
Our death , well just a detail ,
Look only at our life , rember that ,
Read the details we left fore you ,
Those we loved and loved us.
Ken ( D Williams )