All The World Is Looking

All the world is looking,
For some peace;
In beauty of nature,
To harmonize and please.
And in the lights,
Of things you see;
You shall be rewarded,
With the greenest tree.

For nature is like perfect art,
It bewitches your eyes with beauty.

All the world is looking,
For kindness of thought;
Every step forward,
Mankind themselves brought.
And if it's destructive,
They brought it self in;
All foolishness of any kind,
Seldom shall win.

For nature is one in every part,
And man soon pays for all his sin.

As I grow older,
I dwell on and see;
The beauty of nature,
In each every tree.
And colors of summer,
In blooms that glows;
And rivers with waters,
That freely flows.

Let there be nature on this earth,
Be its friends not its foes.

Our story continues,
As life goes on;
This purest of beauty,
Under the sun.
Where we are born,
Innocent and all free;
Together to understand,
Both you and me.

Let our values have a rebirth,
As our love for all life grows.

Poetry by Peter S. Quinn
Read 910 times
Written on 2010-01-03 at 11:30

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