inspired by damian marley's song on the road to zion


in this world of calamity,
broken dreams and insanity,
all taken over by vanity,
media parrots spewing profanities
obscuring old humanity.

where we're all industrialized,
unseen and unrealized
heavy hopes and empty eyes
I'm tired, I'm euthanized
searching for the youth inside.

the youth inside these dying times
the frozen streets of tired rhymes
take me back to those old times
I miss feeling sublime.

I miss the thrill,
of going in for the kill
in all innocence, but still
with a passion, but no overkill.

I miss the beauty I could find,
in the simplicity of mankind
but now I feel I must be blind
For all that I see is so unkind.

please release me
from this fantasy
from this world of calamity,
where broken dreams and insanity
is all that I can seem to see

Poetry by Sparks
Read 697 times
Written on 2010-01-08 at 01:30

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A good response poem, and I think Marley Junior, is following in his fathers footsteps quite well, considering what big steps his father took.

Bob saw the good, the bad and the ugly, and he exposed it all in his finely written songs. He was my hero.

I liked your end of line rhyme scheme, very punchy. All I can say to the questions within the poem, is keep looking and you will see, the beauty and the simplicity in life.

Believe me, it is there
we just have to be prepared to stare
to see it, and then see it grow.

Smiling at you


Language: 4
Format: 4
Mood: 5
Overall: 4