It’s been a long time since I’ve loved…

It's been a long time...


It’s been a long time since I’ve loved…


Every time I loved,

I loved with all my might

With complete devotion, sacrifice

Selflessly, passionately,

Giving my all, without being asked

Never holding back, even a bit

My heart was one with my soul

With my life, with my deepest core

An embodiment of love

I was so full of it; life was nothing

but, ecstasy of giving, caring unrestrainedly…


Yet, I always managed to lose my love:

Taken for granted, used, betrayed, cast aside

What did I do to deserve such a plight?

But, that is what I got always in return

For loving with all my might…


It has been a long time since I loved:

The heart craves again, to give in to someone

To care again, feel the turbulence

Of blood rushing through the veins

The selfsame throbbing of heart beats

Against the heaving chest- breathless…


To drown into the eyes deep, full of

Passion, craving, wanting, sacrifice

Giving satisfaction infinite, whipping up

A storm in the soul, a lightening running

through the spine, with a touch divine, eglantine…


Heart is crazy, reckless, forgets the grief

That follows the infinite passionate heat

The agony that follows the ecstasy brief

Heart is a lonely traveler; it wants to arrive

To reach the secure hearth of, insecure love…


It has been a long time since I loved…

The heart craves again for passionate love!



Author: Zoya Zaidi

Aligarh (UP), Indi

Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

11.10.2009/completed 9.01.2010


Photo: 'Dahlias from Ripley Gardens, RHS, London' by and ©: Zoya Zaidi 



Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 947 times
Written on 2010-01-13 at 12:49

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Amar Gurung
love is sometime an illusion, sometime its a beautiful feeling..beyond words..'m glad that human heart is capable of loving unconditionally...**BEAUTIFUL**

J. E.
Love is a true mystery, and you capture part of its essence in this poem. A wonderful and passionate write. Thanks for sharing!

Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
Beautiful poem!
In willingness to let our heart be broken
we are free to love
It is better to love than be loved
and the only love you keep is the one you give away....

When we love it has no boundaries, we offer all of ourselves, selflessly, I think it is sometimes just luck if we meet our kindred spirit. After having loved and lost we do go back for more, forgetting the pain. You do sound honest in love and that is a beautiful trait, may you be lucky and your passion be ignited!

Maybe, when we have a great deal of love inside us, it can be intimidating to others when it is all focused in the same place. If we love someone who is without this capacity, there is bound to be a perceived imbalance. Imagine the combination of love and a laser beam :-)
...Hmmm...Well it's a theory of sorts....
This is a lovely poem Zoya.