I saw this amazing photo of three trees of different species growing together as one on a beach, posted on 'Nature Conservancy'; it inspired me to write this poem.


Three trees on a beach,

Entwined together-

Complimenting each other,

Supporting each other,

propping each other up,

In such a way

That if separated, they would die-

They can only survive, with each other...

A perfect trinity!


Over the years, God knows,

The roots must have intertwined,

The branches must be so close together,

Interwoven in to a mesh,

So strong, so inseparable

That they themselves cannot tell

each from the other...


In this way together they have

Weathered many a storms,

Survived many a peril...

They are each others need

They are like one breed,

Albeit they belong to different species...


I observe this and contemplate:

why cannot we human beings,

Stay together in the hour of need

Support each other and become

Each others strength, each others' need?


I wish a day will come soon

when we all will grow into one...

I know it is a tall order,

But, I can at least dream...



Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 874 times
Written on 2010-01-20 at 22:09

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
I so loved this great work. Indeed , we members of the human , all the same , can not be just like those three very different trees.
Thank you so much , Zoya.