Valentine special!

Fragrance of Your Heart


I think of your doe-eyes, I remember your burning lips;

I dream of the rose garden, where we first stole a kiss:

My heart starts to beat faster; my skin begins to glow,

Bloods rushes through my veins, turbulent its flow…


I imagine your silken touch, your breath upon my breath,

Fragrant as the flower, of the first flush of youth;

You whisper songs of love tender in my ear,

The warmth of your breath, you seem so near…


And far away somewhere, in that chilly land

You must think of me - so l like to understand:

Tears glistening bright, at the corner of my eyes

Reflect your sweet sorrow too; I’d like to surmise…


My heart misses a beat, your voice melodious sweet

Rings into the labyrinths, of my memory indiscreet;

Sweet sorrow of separation, gnaws gently at my heart

And plucks at the strings of the lyre in every part …


Blood oozes gently, drip by drip, my soul is inundate

With the river of memories- ere warm ere sedate:

Spirit rises high; heart sinks low, blood mellow flows

My lonely heart is filled with light of your glow…


Author: Zoya Zaidi

Aligarh (UP), India

Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

05.02.2010; 7am


Image: Calligraphy of Urdu couplet of Faiz by and©: Zoya Zaidi:

"Yaad-e-Ghizaal-chashmaa, zikray saman azaaraN,

Jab chaaha kar liya hai, kunj-e-qafas baharaaN'

                                                    Faiz Ahmad Faiz

Which would loosely translate as:

"I think of those doe-eyes, I talk of those fragrant gardens,

When ever I want, I summon spring, to the dark corner of my prison' 

                                                           Trans-creation by ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1007 times
Written on 2010-02-07 at 00:30

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Nils Teodor The PoetBay support member heart!
A very beautiful text!

Amar Gurung
True love is always compassionate and warm, its always forgiving and missing those beautiful moments is really a bitter sweet experiene ....beautiful piece...

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
peace and wisdom from gentleness and love...
too often we dwell on the negative missing what we might learn...
as usual zoya you make me smile with your understanding.

Memories of love are sweet as I believe these were to you. You obviously went your seperate ways, or countries.I feel the smile in your final line as you remember fondly, the romancing you shared.