We recently celebrated 50 years of my Alma Mata, Patrice Lumumba Friendship University, Moscow, a unique university where people from 150 odd countries study. I was asked to speak, when I started to gather my thoughts, they took the form of a poem:
The Land of Dreams
Some where in the labyrinth of my mind
Tucked far away, is a fairyland of kind, is
A dreamland of sorts; a dream that was my reality
A reality, I lived ten years long, now so far
Yet, every year, every moment, every day
Is etched fine like filigree or mosaic, in
the insula and gyri of my brain…
The boulevard strewn with autumn leaves
Of all hews, red, orange, yellow and green
Crunch under my feet, as I rush to a rendezvous
With my beloved of youth, fresh and green,
My heart races fast, and the blast of cold wind
Sends shivers down my spine, more from passionate heat,
Of love, than from the icy chill of Siberian sleet…
My mind takes a turn, and the pristine snow, soft
like a quilt under my feet, reminds of a sensation sweet
The snow covered thatched roofs of pod-Moscoviyay
like a Christmas card flash before my minds eye
And somewhere beyond that, I think of you with a sigh…
When the snow out side would smile benevolently
As I would melt in the warmth of your arms…
Spring came and made me aware, of every green bud
that would sprout on the blackened cold boughs,
Something I took for granted in my own land
Did not realise the green grass and its worth…
And every bird that chirruped sounded so sweet to me
Announcing and heralding in the Spring, when
It would wake up and start nursing its hatchlings
Snow would melt, create slush on the ground,
Small rivulets that would run all around
Everything would come suddenly to life, and
Our youthful hearts would sing: spring, spring
“Vecna , Vecna! Para lubvee’’… Ecenin we loved
And Isadora Dunken made us sigh
at her plight and her short lived life…
Then the years of maturity, when we started
to question, God’s existence and His creativity…
When science took precedence over all
as we poured over our books till wee hours…
the music of Swan Lake floated in, and Giselle
Spartacus, and Nutcracker reigned…
MXAT, Na Tagankay and Bolshoi rocked…
We, ourselves in Russki culture forgot…
And what struck us most was the honesty,
The self-search, the questioning of meaning of life,
The universal brother-hood and sacrifice
Alas all things of past now, in our own lives…
That every body had food to eat, house to live in
A job and opportunity to work,
Seemed all things from a dream world
But, we have seen it with our own eyes
And know it is true, though it did not survive…
And the nights when we burnt the midnight-oil
Staying up, trying hard to study, the grind
We studied hard and played hard by day
Not a theatre in town went without our visit
Not a restaurant, was left where we did not drink
The sparkling champagne was the order of the day
Occasional Bloody Mary, the Pivo, the wines
We tasted all- that was divine…
Self-realisation was another big boon
Of studying in a far off land, away from
The watchful eyes of protective parents
Neighbours, relatives, of our families and clans
That made us self-reliant, confidant and bold,
The power of knowledge still stands its own
We are all today professionals to core…
We were taught to question: Why and How?
Get to bottom of every concept, not learn by rote,
If we did not understand anything
We could stand up and ask question without fear,
If with something we did not agree,
We could argue with our teachers freely.
This invoked in us the spirit of inquiry,
Taught us not to follow anyone blindly
Have a scientific approach to life
To think and to act logically …
We work hard and honestly, understand
Human predicament conscientiously…
We have a feeling for the poor in our hearts,
This we learnt in our University’s ramparts…
We share our knowledge extensively
Are generous to fault, a good quality…
This, and many more qualities, we imbibed
In the country, of our learning, in our Alma Mater- life…
That we studied with student from 100 odd countries,
A unique opportunity offered by our university,
(Which I am told is one of its kinds in this world)
Made us sensitive to each others’ needs
With so many dialects, and different speech,
The language of heart, we learnt to speak
the language of universal brotherhood indeed…
That all men are equal, we learnt here
in the corridors of UDN of Moscow,
That there no cast, no religion, no creed,
That every one is human we all agreed
That every one has a right to education, to eat
That every one has a right to work, to feed
His family, his dependents, his community
We all fell in love in this land
Found our spouses, our soul mates in this land
A husband Panamanian, with an Indian wife
An Indian husband found an Argentinean wife
An Indian girl found a husband in an Angolan boy
Another Indian girl married a Russian boy
A Chinese and an Arab become spouses here
They are all my friends and will bear me out….
That Moscow changed our lives completely
There no denying the fact and its validity
It affected every one in some way or the other
It made us more humane, more tolerant, more discreet…
Moscow has made me what I am today:
A doctor, a poet, an artist, a mother
A complete human being…
That is at least, what I would like to think…
Though Ghalib has said, it is not easy
to be a human being, and not merely be a man,
it seems, is hardest feat to achieve
But, I try even now, every day, to be as human as I can be…
Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
Modified on 11.02.2010
Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 972 times
Written on 2010-02-18 at 06:23

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