To my loved ones, Christina and Astri. Two angels that lived on earth.


If I could take back all those years again
She was a star lighting up our lives
If I could only tell her what I feel once more
If I could only see her once again.

But she is gone,
Somewhere I dont know
To a land beyond the far
this land is called tomorrow's dream
And I wish I could go there too.

If I could take back all those years again
She was a star glittering in the sky
If I could only tell her what I feel once more
Oh, I wish I could be with her again.

But she is gone
Forever gone
How loud I'll cry, will be in vain
They say that time will heal my wounds
But my time is running out.

If I could take back all those years again
She was my love the dearest in the world
If I could only hold her in my arms once more
Then everything would be alright again.

But she is gone.
I'm only dreaming
of the one I loved so much.
The time will tell
if my heart will mend
But my days have come to an end

If I could take back all those years again
She is an angel living in my heart
If I could only take her back in my care
Oh, I wish I could be with her again.
If I could only get her back again.
But she's so far away I'll never reach her hand.

Poetry by Richard
Read 640 times
Written on 2010-03-20 at 04:28

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Griffonner The PoetBay support member heart!
Wherever you are, Richard, I apologise for my fellow poets for not having commented on your love poem. Through your words One can sense the feeling of loss that you describe. I hope that in the time that has passed since you penned this, you have come to a more joyful state of mind. Blessings, Allen