world without monsters

When I hear the chime when life turns its page, I'm gonna leave the present for the dreamers place. There I shall wander on eternal flowers, with non-existing days and hours. In the land of the rainbow the thorns are soft and the holes in my soul are forever lost. There I shall fly in a world without nonsense. There I shall live in a world without monsters.

Angel wings paint the world in wind and caress my newly torned off skin. There I'll float on the lava of the meadows, no more walking backwards chasing my shadow. In the valley of forgotten memories, I will not be afraid of what's going to be. There I shall fly in a world without nonsense. There I shall live in a world without monsters.

In this miracle land I cry laughter, here I'm not scared of what's coming after. Here I'm in love with my selves and me, and everything else I'll ever hear or see. In this phosphorescent realm I sit on a cloud making them into whatever makes me glad.

Here I fly in a world without nonsense. Here I live in a world without monsters.

Poetry by C-F Haegring
Read 785 times
Written on 2010-04-04 at 23:31

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I wanna go to this place now! I like the oxymoron "cry laughter." And the incongruous lava meadow. The poem is full of contradictions like this that are startling and provocative. Enjoyed.