I just wrote this poem for a photo challenge on another website

Wind in My Hair

The Lake stretches to the horizon,
The sky beyond is blue and clear
The wind blows in my hair
The water is calm, but, in my heart,
there is turbulence; there is despair

My thoughts stray to that day,
when you were besides me, my dear,
Your hand was playing in my hair...
but now, it is only the wind-
it doesn't touch my heart strings...

World gets cloudy before my eyes
and looks gloomy beyond compare
Sometimes, I come here looking for you
Knowing well it's an illusion, not true...
But, there is hope - my companion true...

Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh (UP), India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi
11.05.2010; 3.30pm

Photo: 'Woman at Bay'

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 1099 times
Written on 2010-05-11 at 12:41

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P K Padhy
A nice poem. Waves of memory touch the edge of hairs and trying to drench with sweet remembrance.
I liked the spontaneous images in the poem.

P K Padhy

there is always hope, dear sister...we just have to keep the door of our heart open to it...