Rendered Speechless
It's the middle of the night and the only sound is your breathing as you doze after loving again.
I should be sleeping, but my senses are humming with life and reliving the memories of when we began.
You came to me out of a fog of loneliness and confusion, leading me to light and joy of life.
We are together in a time and place I could not conceive until you brought me here that night.
You turn in your slumber and reach for me, not finding me there; the bed too wide,
and I am filled with the knowing it is me you seek in your sleep, wanting me by your side.
My vigil over you is a tender mercy which my heart keeps a secret from the morning sun.
This time is sacred to myself; I cherish the wonder of it till night hours are done.
I don't want you to ever know that I watch till dawn as you lie sleeping this way,
for you would ask why I love you so, and from all the words in the world, I wouldn't know what to say.
Poetry by Barbara Carleton
Read 880 times
Written on 2010-09-15 at 18:04
Tags Intimacy  Love 
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