Mr. Right

The Man Who Loves Me

He will be kind of heart but strong of will,
for I need gentleness to guide my spirit,
and determination to keep me on course;
lest trouble come, and I fear it.

He will accept me for who I am
and will know tender words to speak,
words that lead me to be more than I dare;
lest I tremble and become weak.

He will take pride in the woman who loves him,
not because of charm or vain beauty,
but simply because he values my heart;
lest I cling to him out of duty.

He will thrill me, making my senses soar,
locking me forever in his devotion,
and then bring me back to solid ground;
lest I drown in his beautiful ocean.

Poetry by Barbara Carleton
Read 928 times
Written on 2010-09-15 at 19:59

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I like this one Dear Lady!


Rob Graber
I like the feminine-line rhymes ending the second and fourth lines in the first, third, and final stanzas; "spirit" / "fear it" I find especially attractive!

I have read several of your texts..I will not call it poetry as your words are even beyond that. I have never read such beautiful lines before. I have indeed been blessed to come across such a wonderful poet. Write on..