Keep Going...

When the wheat fields are empty,
And nothing more can grow,
Let me hold a memory glow.
Just a molecule of time
That is ours alone.

When the liquids have dried
In your brain,
Look into the electricity of life,
And wake yourself into
The today that is yours and mine.

Stand in the silent twilight wind,
Covered in pink and brown clouds
Hovering to close this crying day.
Give me another glance into your life.
I can't sleep alone again tonight.

Poetry by Morpheus
Read 609 times
Written on 2010-10-16 at 06:38

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ken d williams The PoetBay support member heart!
The soil , trees mealy sleeps
Spring and summer will return
The soil will awake naked trees
will once more be dresst in their
Green levies finarey