It's an everyday yearning to reach home to people I love and care for; however when I reach home it is just a house and not home. It is lonliness beyond words and I just feel like being home.

I am coming home...

As I see the darkening sky
And birds flying to their nest
I can feel a tug in my heart
To go home and rest.

I long for my mother's lap
And the hearty laugh of my dad
As the sun falls below the skyline
This yearning makes me grow sad.

I long for the sweet quarrels with my sis
And the wise advices of my bro
As I see people happily going home
For home, my longing grows.

I long to walk through my garden
And play with my dear dog and doves
I long to sit near the kitchen fire
And bathe in the warmth of family love.

But as I step out into the crowded street
And look at the faces unfamiliar and my heart forlorn
I can feel tears welling my eyes
And O' I miss home.

I have stayed away this far
But now I want to be with people my own
I now am alone and I want to be home
Mom, Dad I am coming home.

Poetry by Amy Valentina
Read 665 times
Written on 2010-10-25 at 13:09

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This is very good.
No matter where one goes inthe world, there is never any place like home.

Kshiti Dubey
A beautiful poem, which is very well written. Applaud.

home is where the heart is, Amy. Thanx for writing this I felt a intense warmth in my veins reading this and I couldn't help to smile. I am sure this poem relate to many people out there. After reading your poem I felt human again:-)
keep well!

Made me nostalgic.. Nice write. Thnx for posting it.

Phyllis J. Rhodes
I know this feeling well, Amy. This will touch many hearts.

The longing for the familiarity of family is evident here, it definitely is "home" sickness. Well portrayed, as Nick mentioned, I hope you will treat us to a poem of the happiness of your homecoming soon.

You have captured the sense of homesickness very well Amy. A good family is a very precious commodity.
I look forward to the sequal.
Thanks, Nick