This poem is my approximate description of the process I have been through the last few years, and have finally found my way out of, without losing my precious Faith. Rather finding the joy in it
Crisis of Faith
After so many years og despising humanity
seeking refuge in those few people who dare to open their eyes
seeking refuge in a promise of a future for a better humanity
believing a community to be different, but no group, no community is different from the rest of humanity
learning that we are all corrupt in some way or another
creating problems and tears for eachother
through our selfish thoughts
through not chosing better
through being careless and only following the manistream
through being fanatical and uncompromising in our beliefs
knowing true betrayal and seeing too many friends become fanatically wrong
blindly believing in something that needs truth, honesty and reason to function as the Saviour of Mankind
After all this
Somehow I managed to find a heart in mankind
sparking my unconditional love
for the potential in every human heart and mind
of walking as Gods among the stars
and of being able to love and care like no other creature on earth
This is why I still believe,
despite human frailty,
in God
Poetry by SecretWords
Read 986 times
Written on 2010-10-28 at 21:50
Tags Faith  Humanity 
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