by Prabhat

A Song of Not Living Among One's Own


They troubled me so much
that I came crawling out of their world
I looked back so many times
with the urge to return
but they didn’t call me even once

And so I was separated from my own folk
And so I grew alien

Fragmenting and scattering like communities
the pannier of my dreams crumbled

I will live in the world of solitude if I must
but I will not be miserable

for all my memories
are not tormented ones

© Translation: 2010, Bharat Bhooshan Tiwari
© 2010, Prabhat
From: Pratilipi December 2008
Publisher: Udaharan Publication, Jodhpur, 2008



Poetry by Editorial Team The PoetBay support member heart!
Read 1257 times
Written on 2011-03-22 at 05:00

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P K Padhy
A good poem with a positive note at the end!

Pravat K Padhy, India

It is an odd feeling, to grow up in a place that isn't home. To be apart from those around you.