Needing To Know
These years later I have forgotten why
It was not a fair question to have asked;
Or why I knew I had to risk so much of us
On knowing the answer, knowing even then
I was touching something that you needed
To keep safe and silent, even from yourself;
Something that was not us but before us
And yet for me had become a part of us.
You heard not a question but accusation,
How my asking pronounced you guilty.
I have forgotten too why I could never
Apologize for needing to know, even now,
Condemned as I am to keep remembering
Your eyelids falling, closing slowly as you
Looked away . . . how the tiny blue folds
Of color dissolved and tinted your tears.
Poetry by countryfog
Read 763 times
Written on 2011-05-02 at 18:28
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