Needing To Know

These years later I have forgotten why

It was not a fair question to have asked;

Or why I knew I had to risk so much of us

On knowing the answer, knowing even then

I was touching something that you needed

To keep safe and silent, even from yourself;

Something that was not us but before us

And yet for me had become a part of us.


You heard not a question but accusation,

How my asking pronounced you guilty.

I have forgotten too why I could never

Apologize for needing to know, even now,

Condemned as I am to keep remembering

Your eyelids falling, closing slowly as you

Looked away . . . how the tiny blue folds

Of color dissolved and tinted your tears.

Poetry by countryfog
Read 763 times
Written on 2011-05-02 at 18:28

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Lawrence Beck The PoetBay support member heart!
What a fine poem! An anecdote, two actually; the narrator, later, probably alone, remembering when he asked his love "the question." You give us enough information to understand, and feel, what happened, but you don't explain it to death. There's no need.

jenks The PoetBay support member heart!
I enjoyed this.
The first two lines led me nicely in...

You write very well and engage the reader.

And the question it seems will go unanswered , locked away
and silence be the only remaining companion. That is so painfully beautiful. I could only wish to have differed in the experience of it.

"Something that was not us but before us And yet for me had become a part of us." This poem touched me. Well written!

John Ashleigh The PoetBay support member heart!
Brilliant. The potency in this poem is staggering. Very heartfelt and warm, even with the regret and longing. I could somehow relate to most of the lines within this poem - you deffinately tell a story of someone lost, yet somehow found. I really enjoyed this, countryfog. Thankyou for sharing.


I enjoyed the essence of this poem

It was a loaded question to the recipient, but I can see the consideration and regret. The final three lines are so sensitive.