I received a message from a poet friend, this is in reply to his poetic question...

In reply to a dear friend...

The poem from my poet friend Galateus:

Our dear physician
as you delve into
the poetry of healing
the human physiology
we pray and hope
that time would allow
your frequent return
to delve into
the poetry of words
to heal our souls

My reply:

Dear Friend, poet and mate,
Life has been in turmoil of late,
So many sorrows have crept into my life
my soul is inundate and I am in a strife
to come to terms with the vagaries of life;
Life, which gives us love and takes away
the loved one in a cruel blow of fate
with one sweep of its swift hand's sway
that we are left gaping and in its spate
Death doth take its toll on our lives
leaving us helpless, those who survive...

But, I will be back soon my friend
With my heart, to share with every one...


Author: Zoya Zaidi
Aligarh, UP, India
Copyright ©: Zoya Zaidi

Poetry by Zoya Zaidi
Read 998 times
Written on 2011-05-19 at 08:08

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Stan Cooper The PoetBay support member heart!
Zoya...I can't praise this duet of poems enough...
They are both sad, but offer each writer the hope
of friendship and empathy

xxx Stan

This "duet " of poems, both responsive to the other, surely shows the power of poetry and to share ones grief is a good thing. Look after your heart Zoya. Shells/Lark!