An Insperation on 5-21-11

What Feels Good?

What Feels Good?

Have you ever noticed that we are the most happy, when we are connected to a great conversation? True happiness is felt, not generated by a man made pleasure, but instead it is from our higher power, which comes in many names, God, Jesus, even Satan, if you believe in any of these names. I believe in every word that the bible inspires within me from my own way of seeing things, I have learned not to take what everybody tells me as Truth, however the bible says "In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God."
Once one begins to learn that the name is not as important as the Message that the Messenger is bringing to you, does one open his eyes to what is being said or is it closed because one cannot see past He who is Enlighten?
I choose to call my sacred Names Wisdom (God), Understanding (Jesus Christ), and Good & Evil (Holy Ghost). These three agree in one, and all of these are in The Books of Wisdom, but the books of Wisdom come from every walk of life, so if we are to reach Wisdom we must learn from them all, or just be a follower.


Words by Donald Thornton
Read 668 times
Written on 2011-05-22 at 05:15

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