When I knew/99
First Real Christmas
It was the night before Christmas
The planet was still,
Nothing was stirring,
Only God's Will.
The hopes of the people,
Was about to come true.
He moved on the waters,
And Heaven came through.
Up from the Sea
The mountain did rise,
The continents did move.
The Earth became wise.
I felt His love coming,
I knew it was real,
Because shortly they're after,
The Earth became still.
The darkness was heavy,
The people feared deep,
And this is what made
The Lord Jesus weep.
He knew it would happen,
He tried to tell all,
That man had an ending,
And such a great fall.
But bright in the morning,
The sun finally rose,
And now the fine people,
Knew they were chose.
So now God is with us,
And Earth shall prevail.
Heaven's on Earth,
And Satan's in Hell
Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 606 times
Written on 2011-05-26 at 08:23