Understanding / 08

The Last Prophet of the Latter Days

A prophet has this vision,
And tells of what he sees,
Nothing to him is secret,
While he stays upon his knees.

Nothing stays so hidden,
To the mighty tool of God,
As he has all the rights,
To God's Iron Rod.

God has called this prophet,
For man at this times end,
He's here to do God's will,
So we know he is our friend.

He knows the ten steps backwards,
The meaning of six, six, six,
He isn't guessing about what's real,
Or all of man's great tricks.

He knows of New Jerusalem,
The place we all call Zion,
He's not a timid lamb,
He is a roaring lion.

The prophet become all Wisdom,
And shows it unto his own,
He knows that time is moving,
And feels his people grown.

What you've done unto others,
You've also done unto me,
But you look not at your doings,
Which could of set free.

The keys unto the kingdom,
Are his to explain,
God's Wisdom and His Knowledge,
Are placed within his brain.

A prophet of God will prophesy,
The things about to come,
And he will know them all,
And not just a meager some.

He knows a spirit doesn't age,
As the human seems to do,
He knows we're here in spirit,
That is all of us, me and you.

And when the Dog turns to his vomit,
He knows a continent turns,
He feels the power of his Father,
For all the things he yearns.

He is the prophet of the latter days,
And his job is great,
He is the teacher of the time,
Not even time can make him wait.


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 573 times
Written on 2011-05-30 at 19:05

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