A self-help poem of 2005


Whose face is looking back at you?
In the reflections of your mind?
Is it true, who you listen too?
And is it you, your trying to find?

Who seems to block your way each time?
And stops you at every turn,
When you look back within yourself,
It's surprising what you'll learn.

Open your eyes and please realize,
How long you have been blind,
Are you the one, that son-of-a-gun?
Who treats you so unkind?

Please remember this my friend,
Of all the things you hate,
These same things, no matter what,
Are the very things you create?

Could it be the one you see?
Could it be someone you know?
Who's that clown, bringing you down?
Isn't it time for him to go?

Can you see a familiar face?
From the outside, to within?
Who am I, and what am I doing?
Am I really going to win?


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 600 times
Written on 2011-06-02 at 05:49

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"Who am I?" . . . the eternal question that philosophies ask and religions try to answer. Each of us is our own answer, I think, though for the most part we don't really want to know. We are our own greatest deceivers, almost believing the masks we wear. Your poems reveal a man grown comfortable with himself and his faith . . . inspirational as well as aspirational.