his story

Lake Denial

Once upon a time, and a place not well known,
Commissioned as an angel, and traveling all alone,
From the mind's eye a land begin to appear,
And even as an angel, I truly begin to fear.

For off in a distance the mountains rose so high,
And as that angel flying, over them I could fly,
I called the mountains and the cliffs Affirmation,
As they affirmed each of my newly found sensations.

Just beyond the mountain's ridge was a lake, at least a mile,
And because it's deceiving me, I called it lake Denial,
And at its end I seen, a tiny village small,
And it was here, that even this angel took a mighty fall.

Once I belonged to my Father God, not far in the past,
But I didn't understand my issues, that got me greatly cast,
So my light of brilliance, diminished in this time,
And I was sent to this tiny village to pay for all my crime.

And because I never learn to do my Father's will,
This tiny village we call Earth is where I will be still,
As I sit here with my kingdom of hate and deceit,
I get it all it is my kingdom, and my kingdom's seat.

I am the Son of predation, and the father of all lies,
I have deceived the nations, and sent the swarming flies,
I love the sound of terror, and the anguish of mankind,
This was the job given me, it was sealed and signed.


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 610 times
Written on 2011-06-05 at 06:22

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