
Higher Light Verses Teachings of Darkness

There are rules to the learning,
Of understanding, and to Higher Light,
Joy, Peace, and Goodwill to others,
Are the things that fight off the night.

The things of darkness like sorrow,
And discouragement put to others,
Separates all of us here and now,
And destroys our sisters and brothers.

Darkness is anything that tares,
And brings another down!
Higher Light is all those things,
That builds a mighty crown.

To encourage strength and happiness,
Is teaching of Higher Light.
Forever complaining about this or that,
Brings on the darkness of the night!

So to become a member of this Kingdom,
Your Light will always be lit,
And darkness will not enter,
As the Light will make it split.

So do not practice darkness,
On your fellow Man,
Always practice your Higher Light,
Always do what you know you can.


Poetry by Donald Thornton
Read 815 times
Written on 2011-06-05 at 20:44

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Should I treat thee as ye treat me, resentment and hatred would die.
A very thought provoking and beautiful write, thank you for sharing.